Wendy's Fashion Fix...

We all know that it's really what matters deep down inside that makes shine...But there's nothing wrong with a bit of fashion polish to make the outside shine too.....
Please follow my blog if you're looking for helpful hints, tips and fashion to create a better you....
Fall inlove with fashion again....!
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Put your best fashion foot forward...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Socks, bubbie's and kicks

I read somewhere that relationships are like socks....you need two and they need to match....So Dames reckons to me "what if you don't wear socks?"....I said "At some stage everyone needs a pair....!!!" They say that if you're with someone long enough you can think the same thought at the same time....Hmmm I'm thinking jewelry for my bday!!!lol....

That said I bought my niece that's still to come....(Let's call her "bubbie" that's what I still call my other niece..I have no idea y..?) the cutest freaking pair of socks you've ever seen in your life!!!

Me on the other hand and in relation to Fashion didn't wear socks with the outfit you see here...The kicks are my new fav takkies VANS....I love them and I change the laces according to my outfits...Hmmm...did take a little time but, totally worth the effort!!!...I also love this awesome hat and vest I got from Mr price...


  1. Cute socks! You must be so excited for the new addition to the family. Loving your outfit. Comfy, yet stylish!

  2. Got to luvvee the "colour laces trend". It really add the "funk" your sneakers.

  3. @Ant, Yes very excited...I get another niece to dress up and follow in my footsteps!!!lol...

    @lil miss....Loving the laces but, the bonus is the shoes are actually comfortable!!! Yeah!!!



Thanks for popping in...Please feel free to leave a comment....Mwah,Wendy