Wendy's Fashion Fix...

We all know that it's really what matters deep down inside that makes shine...But there's nothing wrong with a bit of fashion polish to make the outside shine too.....
Please follow my blog if you're looking for helpful hints, tips and fashion to create a better you....
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Put your best fashion foot forward...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Check out the Coral

So for those who didn't know the weather here in Cape Town is soooo Crap!!! If there's one day that's hot I take the bull by the horns and wear something short and strappy.....Seeing that it's just a summer season of dresses.....I had to wear one on the hottest day of the week....

It's a Summer tablecloth check in coral and white and has a coral peep-out at the hem and little rose nuttons down the front with a massive tie belt that | tie in the biggest bow possible!!! How child-like.....

I also decided to wear a flower in my hair and blush coloured strappy coloured sandals....Awesome!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. love this, its so girlie girl!we're going to picnic 2mrw and i think this look will work for me...maybe i need to do some shopping 2day :-)where'd u buy the sandals?


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