Wendy's Fashion Fix...

We all know that it's really what matters deep down inside that makes shine...But there's nothing wrong with a bit of fashion polish to make the outside shine too.....
Please follow my blog if you're looking for helpful hints, tips and fashion to create a better you....
Fall inlove with fashion again....!
Feel free to leave your comment, mail me a pic or if you need a bit of advise...
Put your best fashion foot forward...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mad Hatter

I'm mad about a hat...most hats...I love them and after my shopping day sat I opened the bags and I had more hats than anything else....
I simply adore this outfit since it combines all the things I love...
1. A cheeky printed tee....Love the girly attitude tee in this pic.....
2. Skinny Jeans.....they make your legs look longer ....nothing wrong with a little height....
3.Cropped jkt or shrug....The one I'm wearing has a ruffle knit fabric that's interesting and has a pink stripe lining....LOVE!!!!
4. Sequin pumps......I love anything sequin....the pumps are two tone silver and blk with a bow at the front...
5. My Awesum Military hat.....It's like a grandpa style but has a badge with chains on the side.....LOVE!!!


  1. Looking great as usual! You're really doing a great job with the blog!

  2. That jacket is superb! :)


  3. Thanks Ant!! Mwah!!!
    Thanks Puck for popping in!!xxx


Thanks for popping in...Please feel free to leave a comment....Mwah,Wendy