Wendy's Fashion Fix...

We all know that it's really what matters deep down inside that makes shine...But there's nothing wrong with a bit of fashion polish to make the outside shine too.....
Please follow my blog if you're looking for helpful hints, tips and fashion to create a better you....
Fall inlove with fashion again....!
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Put your best fashion foot forward...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Love Nerds!!!

There's definitely a vintage romantic trend coming through this summer in SA.....

I just love this Blk and Blush coloured little ra-ra dress!!!! It's so sweet!!!
I also love these little floral nerd-like shades...They're cute too....
Florals partterns are on everything from shoes, bangles, clothing, headbands and even shades like mine....

AAAWH how I love summer!!!


  1. Haha, Amber looks so cute in those shades! Love the dress!

  2. I need me a pair of nerd shades!!Looking so cute:)


  3. Hey Guys,
    I really loves those shades but, Im really worried about my eyes....Older people always tell me look after your eyes..so I get scared...But I do love them..but like all good things in moderation....Mwah, Love, Wens


Thanks for popping in...Please feel free to leave a comment....Mwah,Wendy