Wendy's Fashion Fix...

We all know that it's really what matters deep down inside that makes shine...But there's nothing wrong with a bit of fashion polish to make the outside shine too.....
Please follow my blog if you're looking for helpful hints, tips and fashion to create a better you....
Fall inlove with fashion again....!
Feel free to leave your comment, mail me a pic or if you need a bit of advise...
Put your best fashion foot forward...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beuna Vista

As most of you now know Food has become a serious contender in taking up all my time "preparing, shopping and eating"...lol....
So we went to Beuna Vista with a couple of friends on Sat and it was quite awesum!!!
Thats all I have to say....Awesum food, awesum crowd!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Closet Space

Hey Guys,
How was the weekend....? Cold but, bearable when there's a heater around...
Anyway you know how much I Love shopping so you know I LOVE a good bargin...
Go check out www.closetspace.co.za ,It aims to sell gently worn clothing, I have some of my items that were previously featured on my blog on sale there.....
They make or take space in your closet and wow...making more space in my closet...? I'm down with that cuz that means more shopping!!!!lol...See it works for everyone!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Girls just wana have fun

Hi guys,
So I've neglected my blog a little but, since Damien was ill I couldn't get him to take pics.....I thought I'd share my training skills with you and show you how I've been training my little niece on how to shop til you drop!!!!lol...
As you can see she always runs to the window of the jewlery store.....Now there's my girl!!!! Not that she's getting anything from there though....lol..maybe when she's older....for now wearing and stealing my constume jewerly will have to do...
Anyway, Have an awesum weekend....
Love Wens

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Skinny belt

Hey Guys,
So theres another giveaway done and dusted.....Sarah-jane is our winner!
Don't forget to watch out for another giveaway coming soon.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Resistance!!! I think NOT!!!

Hey Guys,
Rem for those who havnt enetered the giveaway I'm still running it to the end of this week so dont forget to post your comments....

Now As most of you know I can't resist a sale nor can I resist a military jkt....Needless to say none of them can close at the moment....But that wont stop me....I picked up my lastest victim at Legit for like R50...I mean...thats like nothing!!!!

I sometimes wonder this obsession comes from and I kill myself laughing thinking it might've come from Micheal Jackson back in the day .....lol...!!! He is a fashion icon you know!!!

Anyway....as you can also tell the waistline is ecpanding rapidly...Cuteness....I'm loving it.....I have a feeling I will be obsessing about that too.....


Monday, June 6, 2011

Belt Giveaway

Hey Guys,
I have the cutest giveaway IF you're belly is Not expanding like mine.....
It's a skinny waistbelt with a horse buckle, I absolutely LOVE it....!!!
It's a M/L....
Please enter by telling me what crisis you have before leaving your house in the morning.......Example:
1.Mine is SOCKS...I can never find them, match them and sometimes they're too long (knee socks), too short (ankle socks) and if they're blk they end up in my fiance's draw!!!! Only to never be seen or worn again!!!
2. Blk tights or leggings.....Amongst all my other blk items they're just never there and they're a staple......And inevitably I'm having a "mini-cant-find-my Meltdown"......Rushing around....removing and re-fitting....One would think I could just pick out my clothes at Night....Sorri dolls tried that but, I'm a woman...it's all about how I feel in the morning....lol....Ok while it's happening it's not funny!!!
Ok Get it?....
Love Ya,
Ps if you're smaller I can punch more holes into the belt...so no need to fret!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Watch OUT!!!!

Hey Guys,
As you know Lenoray won the previous giveaway on my blog. Please don't forget to watch out for my next one!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Winter Wishes

Hey guys,
If you really think about it Winter is like very formal with coats and smart boots.....
So it's nice on weekdns to add a more casual look....I simply love the softness of the blush and grey together....And of course My moms headbands and fingerless gloves......It's a big Yeah from me for my Winter Warmers!!!!